* @class Ext.tree.TreeLoader
* @extends Ext.util.Observable
* A TreeLoader provides for lazy loading of an {@link Ext.tree.TreeNode}'s child
* nodes from a specified URL. The response must be a JavaScript Array definition
* whose elements are node definition objects. e.g.:
id: 1,
text: 'A leaf Node',
leaf: true
id: 2,
text: 'A folder Node',
children: [{
id: 3,
text: 'A child Node',
leaf: true
* A server request is sent, and child nodes are loaded only when a node is expanded.
* The loading node's id is passed to the server under the parameter name "node" to
* enable the server to produce the correct child nodes.
* To pass extra parameters, an event handler may be attached to the "beforeload"
* event, and the parameters specified in the TreeLoader's baseParams property:
myTreeLoader.on("beforeload", function(treeLoader, node) {
this.baseParams.category = node.attributes.category;
}, this);
* This would pass an HTTP parameter called "category" to the server containing
* the value of the Node's "category" attribute.
* @constructor
* Creates a new Treeloader.
* @param {Object} config A config object containing config properties.
Ext.tree.TreeLoader = function(config){
this.baseParams = {};
Ext.apply(this, config);
* @event beforeload
* Fires before a network request is made to retrieve the Json text which specifies a node's children.
* @param {Object} This TreeLoader object.
* @param {Object} node The {@link Ext.tree.TreeNode} object being loaded.
* @param {Object} callback The callback function specified in the {@link #load} call.
* @event load
* Fires when the node has been successfuly loaded.
* @param {Object} This TreeLoader object.
* @param {Object} node The {@link Ext.tree.TreeNode} object being loaded.
* @param {Object} response The response object containing the data from the server.
* @event loadexception
* Fires if the network request failed.
* @param {Object} This TreeLoader object.
* @param {Object} node The {@link Ext.tree.TreeNode} object being loaded.
* @param {Object} response The response object containing the data from the server.
if(typeof this.paramOrder == 'string'){
this.paramOrder = this.paramOrder.split(/[\s,|]/);
Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreeLoader, Ext.util.Observable, {
* @cfg {String} dataUrl The URL from which to request a Json string which
* specifies an array of node definition objects representing the child nodes
* to be loaded.
* @cfg {String} requestMethod The HTTP request method for loading data (defaults to the value of {@link Ext.Ajax#method}).
* @cfg {String} url Equivalent to {@link #dataUrl}.
* @cfg {Boolean} preloadChildren If set to true, the loader recursively loads "children" attributes when doing the first load on nodes.
* @cfg {Object} baseParams (optional) An object containing properties which
* specify HTTP parameters to be passed to each request for child nodes.
* @cfg {Object} baseAttrs (optional) An object containing attributes to be added to all nodes
* created by this loader. If the attributes sent by the server have an attribute in this object,
* they take priority.
* @cfg {Object} uiProviders (optional) An object containing properties which
* specify custom {@link Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI} implementations. If the optional
* uiProvider attribute of a returned child node is a string rather
* than a reference to a TreeNodeUI implementation, then that string value
* is used as a property name in the uiProviders object.
uiProviders : {},
* @cfg {Boolean} clearOnLoad (optional) Default to true. Remove previously existing
* child nodes before loading.
clearOnLoad : true,
* @cfg {Array/String} paramOrder Defaults to undefined. Only used when using directFn.
* A list of params to be executed
* server side. Specify the params in the order in which they must be executed on the server-side
* as either (1) an Array of String values, or (2) a String of params delimited by either whitespace,
* comma, or pipe. For example,
* any of the following would be acceptable:
paramOrder: ['param1','param2','param3']
paramOrder: 'param1 param2 param3'
paramOrder: 'param1,param2,param3'
paramOrder: 'param1|param2|param'
paramOrder: undefined,
* @cfg {Boolean} paramsAsHash Only used when using directFn.
* Send parameters as a collection of named arguments (defaults to false). Providing a
* {@link #paramOrder} nullifies this configuration.
paramsAsHash: false,
* @cfg {Function} directFn
* Function to call when executing a request.
directFn : undefined,
* Load an {@link Ext.tree.TreeNode} from the URL specified in the constructor.
* This is called automatically when a node is expanded, but may be used to reload
* a node (or append new children if the {@link #clearOnLoad} option is false.)
* @param {Ext.tree.TreeNode} node
* @param {Function} callback
* @param (Object) scope
load : function(node, callback, scope){
if(this.doPreload(node)){ // preloaded json children
this.runCallback(callback, scope || node, []);
}else if(this.directFn || this.dataUrl || this.url){
this.requestData(node, callback, scope || node);
doPreload : function(node){
if(node.childNodes.length < 1){ // preloaded?
var cs = node.attributes.children;
for(var i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++){
var cn = node.appendChild(this.createNode(cs[i]));
return true;
return false;
getParams: function(node){
var buf = [], bp = this.baseParams;
for(var i = 0, len = this.paramOrder.length; i < len; i++){
}else if(this.paramsAsHash){
return buf;
for(var key in bp){
buf.push(encodeURIComponent(key), "=", encodeURIComponent(bp[key]), "&");
buf.push("node=", encodeURIComponent(node.id));
return buf.join("");
requestData : function(node, callback, scope){
if(this.fireEvent("beforeload", this, node, callback) !== false){
var args = this.getParams(node);
args.push(this.processDirectResponse.createDelegate(this, [{callback: callback, node: node, scope: scope}], true));
this.directFn.apply(window, args);
this.transId = Ext.Ajax.request({
url: this.dataUrl||this.url,
success: this.handleResponse,
failure: this.handleFailure,
scope: this,
argument: {callback: callback, node: node, scope: scope},
params: this.getParams(node)
// if the load is cancelled, make sure we notify
// the node that we are done
this.runCallback(callback, scope || node, []);
processDirectResponse: function(result, response, args){
responseData: Ext.isArray(result) ? result : null,
responseText: result,
argument: args
argument: args
// private
runCallback: function(cb, scope, args){
cb.apply(scope, args);
isLoading : function(){
return !!this.transId;
abort : function(){
*Override this function for custom TreeNode node implementation, or to
* modify the attributes at creation time.
* Example:
new Ext.tree.TreePanel({
new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({
url: 'dataUrl',
createNode: function(attr) {
// Allow consolidation consignments to have
// consignments dropped into them.
if (attr.isConsolidation) {
attr.iconCls = 'x-consol',
attr.allowDrop = true;
return Ext.tree.TreeLoader.prototype.call(this, attr);
* @param attr {Object} The attributes from which to create the new node.
createNode : function(attr){
// apply baseAttrs, nice idea Corey!
Ext.applyIf(attr, this.baseAttrs);
if(this.applyLoader !== false){
attr.loader = this;
if(typeof attr.uiProvider == 'string'){
attr.uiProvider = this.uiProviders[attr.uiProvider] || eval(attr.uiProvider);
return new Ext.tree.TreePanel.nodeTypes[attr.nodeType](attr);
return attr.leaf ?
new Ext.tree.TreeNode(attr) :
new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode(attr);
processResponse : function(response, node, callback, scope){
var json = response.responseText;
try {
var o = response.responseData || Ext.decode(json);
for(var i = 0, len = o.length; i < len; i++){
var n = this.createNode(o[i]);
this.runCallback(callback, scope || node, [node]);
handleResponse : function(response){
this.transId = false;
var a = response.argument;
this.processResponse(response, a.node, a.callback, a.scope);
this.fireEvent("load", this, a.node, response);
handleFailure : function(response){
this.transId = false;
var a = response.argument;
this.fireEvent("loadexception", this, a.node, response);
this.runCallback(a.callback, a.scope || a.node, [a.node]);